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Hyperlink to range of cells that fill with a color

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    Excel 2007

    Hyperlink to range of cells that fill with a color

    I'm new at this, so bear with me. I have a 2-story floor plan and directory in a workbook. The floor plan is on 2 worksheets (1 for each floor) and the directory on the 3rd worksheet. On the floor plan I merged the cells together and named the range. Then on the directory page I created a hyperlink by the range name. When you click on the name in the directory it takes you to the floorplan worksheet and selects the range of cells. Which is what I want it to do. However it is hard to see where the selected range of cells are located at. The floorplan sheets are black and white, I'd like the cell range to have a bright yellow fill. I need the selected range of cells to stand out. I created this in Excel 2007. The attachment is a sample of what I'm doing, I could not send the real file due to security reasons. This document will be used to located an office of a particular staff member. It will also be used in emergencies, if a staff member is not accounted for in an evacuation, by clicking on their name, it will show where that person is located so that help can get to them quickly. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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