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help with autoshapes and gantt charts.

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    Re: help with autoshapes and gantt charts.

    Hey Andy,

    Thanks for that but its not exactly what I was looking for. I have attached a file of an example I have made if you have the time to look at it would really be appreciated!

    Sheet 1 'Data' is where the project managers enter their data, although in my example not all fields are used in the file in use they all definitely are. I have only filled the fields that would affect the example.

    Sheet 2 'Gantt' is how my coordinator would like the charts to be presented. Easier to understand and more visual for our frequent meetings on the plan. I have put an example of where the dates and information required is comming from.

    If the whole process can be automated from the data sheet into the gantt sheet that would be great. If the gantt has to look different that would be fine, however it still needs to be presented within the project managers 'swim lane' and have a description of the job (dates, suburb, description, cost etc..)

    If you could help in any way I would be so thankful.

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