I use macros to navigate within spreadsheets based on predefined named locations. I was able to assign these "GoTo" macros to buttons on the Ribbon. I am trying to assign the same macros to a ComboBox, but I can't figure out how to do it. Here's the button macro that works fine.

<button id="rxbtnGoTo_Historicals"

Here's my attempt at assigning the same macro to a ComboBox. However, when I try to validate it, I get this error message: "onChange attribute is not declared".

<comboBox id = "NavigationDropDown"
label = "Navigation"
onChange = "rxcboNavigationDropDown_Click">
<item id = "rxitemcboGoTo_Historicals"
label = "Hist"
onChange = "rxitemGoTo_Historicals"/>

Can you please tell me what I'm doing wrong or provide some guidance?
