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Merging files, layout for data input

  1. #1
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    Merging files, layout for data input


    I've previously only used excel/access very little, but now I need to use it in a patient research project. There are some issues that I have not grasped, and I hope some of you can point me in the right direction.

    I am in the beginning of the project, and I'm planning on using Excel (or Access) as the basis for my data. SPSS will be used for statistical analysis.

    Now, there will be about 200 subject (rows) and several data variables (columns) involved. Some of the variables will be numbered, and some will be multiple choice.

    As the data input will be done by different people, I want to create several excel-sheets for the different people. These sheets will include a patient ID (1,2,3...etc), which I'm planning to use as a common identifier. They will include different variables, though.

    What I would like to achieve is creating a master sheet based on all those excel-sheets. This master sheet should then include all variables and all patients. I then plan to single out groups of different variables for analysis in SPSS.

    Now, how should I start from here? I've tried to google the merge process, but it's a bit over my head at the moment. Also, am I better off creating a database in access for this kind of project (I must say that I have never worked with access). Hopfully some of you out there will be able to get me started.
    Last edited by Sprucemoose; 02-28-2010 at 05:17 PM. Reason: typing errors

  2. #2
    Forum Moderator - RIP Richard Buttrey's Avatar
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    Re: Working with/merging several excel files


    Can you clarify and confirm please. When you say you want to create several excel sheets, do you really mean that you want several different workbooks, one for each of several people to fill in, or do you literally mean several sheets in the same workbook?

    If the latter I'd question why you need several sheets since realistically and unless you're using workbook sharing, only one person can be using the workbook at the same time for data entry - (although of course there can be separate read only copies).

    If you can clear up this point we can probably advise.

    Richard Buttrey

    RIP - d. 06/10/2022

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  3. #3
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    Re: Working with/merging several excel files

    Sorry about the mix-up. As you can tell, I'm quite a novice here. What I mean is "workbooks", that is a seperate excel-file for each of the people who will register the data.

    After the data input, I want to merge all the files into a large file that should contain all patients and all variables. This "master"-file should then be the basis for exporting data into SPSS (analysis program).

  4. #4
    Forum Moderator - RIP Richard Buttrey's Avatar
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    Re: Working with/merging several excel files


    If the ultimate requirement is a statistical analysis then I think you'll be better using Excel as the analysis tool rather than Access. From a purely professional advice point of view it would seem the best bet would be an Access database which would then be imported into Excel for subsequent analysis.

    However from a pragmatic point of view and unless you really want to learn Access, a database in Excel is perfectly OK.

    I see three initial key steps.

    1 Decide exactly what data you want to collect and on a dedicated sheet create labels for each field of data on row 1. Don't forget to include fields like the record date, and the user name of the person who entered the data, and there may be other 'admin' type fields which you need. The important thing is to try and think of every conceivable bit of information you may want. Far better to get a complete list now than to have to worry about adding fields later on. Some fields may be calculated fields based on information in other fields. Include these now.

    2. On another sheet design a record input sheet which should include a cell for every field of information, apart from calculated fields which can be worked out in the background.

    3. Decide which of the input cells are simple free format fields and which should be restricted to permitted values only. You'll then need to create validation tables for all these allowable choices and create Data Validation options for these cells.

    Once you've got all the basics designed then you can move on to the next stage, and I suggest you revisit the forum when you've got the basics set up.

    The next stages will be to create macros which will respond to a data entry and add new records to the database, and the corollary - deleting records from the database.

    At that stage the basic template should be available for releasing to the users.

    the final stage will be to create a master statistical analysis workbook which will contain macros for loading all the data sheets from the individual data entry workbooks. You'll need to give consideration as to whether once a data set has been uploaded to the master workbook, it can be deleted from the originating workbook so that this starts out with no records ready for the next updating process, otherwise the system will need to test for duplicates before uploading to the master. However first things first.


  5. #5
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    Re: Working with/merging several excel files

    Thanks for a quick reply. I'll try to fiddle around with your tips. I see that there are several things I need to teach myself (macros, validation tables etc.). I want to have most set up by the end of next week, so I better get to it.

  6. #6
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    Re: Merging files

    Ok, so I did the first of my workbooks. This workbook consists of 3 sheets and should be used to register a patient questionaire. I did it this way:

    1st sheet (Input sheet): Each variable (patientID, date and one variable for each question) was created at the first row. Data validation ranges were applied to all variables to decrease the risk of errors. The first row was locked and the sheet was protected. I also took the time to hide unneccessary rows and columns. I also thought that freezing the first row and column would be a good idea.

    2nd sheet: Patient ID and date variable refers back to sheet 1. Then, each question in sheet 1 had to be recoded to another number (0-100) using a convertion table that comes with the test. New variables were created on row 1, and I had to use a lot of IF-functions to make this work, like this:

    =IF('SF36 input'!Z2=0;"";IF('SF36 input'!Z2=1;0;IF('SF36 input'!Z2=2;20;IF('SF36 input'!Z2=3;40;IF('SF36 input'!Z2=4;60;IF('SF36 input'!Z2=5;80;IF('SF36 input'!Z2=6;100)))))))

    I tried to use the "format as table" tool in Excel 2007, but that didn't work out. It seemed like it didn't want to update sheet 2 when input was made in sheet 1. However, a working spreadsheet without the fancy styles is ok too. This sheet was then completely locked and protected.

    Sheet 3 is where all recoded questions are put into groups (9 in all), and a mean is calculated for each group. So each patient ends up with 9 different scores (0-100). Patient ID and date refers back to sheet 1, and the new variables are calculated referring back to sheet 2:

    =AVERAGE('SF36 rekodet'!Z3:AB3;'SF36 rekodet'!AD3;'SF36 rekodet'!AF3)

    My only concern is that the workbook size is quite big (apprx 6MB), and I haven't started putting in any data yet :-). It probably has got to do something with me copying the formulas to a total of 300 rows (the expected number of patients will be somewere between 200-300). If there was a way of automatically copying all formulas to another row when I start input on a new patient, that would be very nice.

    But appart from the size, should this workbook be ok to import into a master file later on?

  7. #7
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    Re: Merging files

    Ok, so now I've done some basic layouts for three of the workbooks. I've put on validation on all input fields, and I've protected all non-input cells. I chose to set the patient ID (up to 300) allready filled in, as I think this will make it easier to organize everything afterwards. There will be three more workbooks for this project, but I haven't come around to creating those yet. The layout will be the same, though.

    I have stayed away from meddling with programming code, as I believe that the basic forumlas in excel will do the trick (at least for data input).

    I have uploaded the three files through rapidshare, and if someone is curious follow the links below. I'm grateful of any advice on the matter.


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