Hi there. I hope somebody can help with this problem.

Basically the problem is, I have a spreadsheet where the results look like this.

Column A Shop no, column B Ragion, Colum C Area, Column D Data figures Colum E comparative data figures Column F variance bewteen the two data figures.

I have done this and have managed to highlight the shops where there is a variance greater than or less than 0 using conditional formatting and if function.

However, this spreadsheet is very large and what I now need is solely the shops with corresponding regions and areas where there is a variance on a seperate summary sheet.

I have tried to get this by a pivot table but that wouldn't exclude the ones with no variance and the only way I could do it was to copy and paste values, filter and delete unwanted cells.

However, this was quite time consuming and there are quite a few of these spreadsheets and was wondering if there was a more professional and easy way of doing this?

Ideall I would like the exception data to be put afterwards into a pivot table for summary for each region and area.

If anyone could help it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you