Hi guys,

I was hoping someone might be able to help me with the following problem.

I have an excel spreadsheet that tracks my appointments and shows various things such as revenue generated, tax due, clients gained in a time frame, etc.

I'd like it to be able to show clients lost in a time frame automatically, without having to manually input when a session is their last.

I have a column (A) which shows the date of each session. Column B shows the name of the client. I thought the solution might work as follows (but can't figure out how to do these steps):

# A hidden column (C) that would return a value showing when the latest session occurs, ie: the most recent date in A for each name repeated in B.
# A another column (D) that would return a value if this latest session was more than 3 weeks ago, ie: current date - session date (A) > 21 days and value in C.

I can then do the rest from there, I think.

This way, if a client restarts after a break it will automatically drop them from being an ex-client.

Hope I've explained this sufficiently well.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.