I'm going to be receiving a source file regularly with a bunch of data. This will typically be in the format of:

Type / Name / Number / Value / Number of Accounts

At the moment this file is about 400 lines long but I assume it could change over time.

Now in my template I'd like to also have the headings of Type, Name, and Number, but dont want both Dollar and Number of Accounts. Those are two different ways of allocating taxes and I can only choose one. So I'd like an option at the top of the spreadsheet specifying which I want to do (Value or NoA) and it to choose accordingly. Finally I'd like to be able to choose what type of fund I'm working with (whether to include just Fund A, or B, or C, or all) and for it to then populate everything.

As far as creating a drop down that selects how to calc (Value or NoA) i've already done that. But I dont how to create something that will populate from the source file.

In case anyone's actually going to look at it (!) I'll attach the file. There's two worksheets, the source and the model. In the Model worksheet, O3 shows the dropdown which I'd like to choose which type is displayed (Fund A, B, C etc, or in this case labelled OEM, CC), while the dropdown at G8 would ideally show what type of calc is done (NoA, or AUM). Either way I'd like the B to F columns to populate.

Any help would really really be appreciated. I dont even know where to go from here!
