I have a VBA function that's running very slowly, and I'm looking for suggestions as to how to improve it. The context is that the sheet has multiple sets of rows called 'components', and this function is walking through them determining which ones should be visible and which should be hidden

Here's my (probably naive) implementation:

Sub tasks_update_component_visibility()
    Dim rowIdx As Long
    For rowIdx = 1 To ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count Step 1
        If Cells(rowIdx, "A").Value = "%Start" Then
            Dim hide, enable, isHidden As Boolean
            hide = Not Cells(rowIdx, ComponentShownColumnName).Value
            disable = Not Cells(rowIdx, ComponentEnabledColumnName).Value
            isHidden = Rows(rowIdx).EntireRow.Hidden
            Rem If we're hidden now and we shouldn't be, we need to reset the
            Rem component's contents before we show it
            If isHidden And Not hide Then
                reset_component (rowIdx)
            End If
            Rem Now hide or show the component appropriately
            If (disable And Not isHidden) Or (hide <> isHidden) Then
                rowIdx = hide_or_show_component(rowIdx, hide, disable)
            End If
        End If
    Next rowIdx
End Sub
I don't think the implementation of reset_component or hide_or_show_component matters much, but I'll post them if they might.

Anybody have any suggestions?
