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Data match

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  1. #1
    Valued Forum Contributor Blake 7's Avatar
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    Data match

    Hi Guys,

    I have been asked to match some data -

    The data is email addresses, the attached sample is ficticious.

    I have a column of legitimate email address (some 201,000) and a column of email address which in every case there are a number of characters missisg from the end of the string. This number varies from 1 - 5

    ie [email protected] may appear as darren7@ or darren7@g ect

    My task is to match the part email to the full email and see if:

    1. The part email appears is the full column
    2. if it does then how many times,

    I have tried =Left(a2,10) on BOTH columns and then a countif but i feel that there must be a more robust method.

    Can anyone suggest anything? thanks alot and happy friday

    I have uploaded a sample demontrating the dataset, as you will see the email adds are ficticious!
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Blake 7

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