I apologize in advance, because I know this has been addressed already, but I was getting confused reading the explanations.
I have a project where I have made a master workbook, and many samples whose data I have imported into excel workbooks. We'll call them 'Master File' and Sample 001, Sample 002, etc. On the Master File, I want links to all of my sample files where the same cell is interrogated in each sample workbook. In the 'Master File', I have copied and pasted all of the sample file names in column A.
Lets assume that in 'Master File', cell A1 has Sample 001, A2 has Sample 002, and so on. I want 'Master File' cell F1 to interrogate 'Sample 001, Sheet 1, cell A1. However, I want to create one formula that I can just drag down and repeat, instead of having to go into the formula and change each file name that the cell is linked to.
Here is my formula (There may be an apostrophe missing or 2, I simplified the path):

=My HD:Desktop:Laboratory Files:Project:Sample Files:[Sample 001.xlsx]'Sheet 1'!$A$1

I have tried several things, but nothing seems to work. For example, I thought that:
=My HD:Desktop:Laboratory Files:Project:Sample Files:[INDEX(A1,A1:A500,0).xlsx]'Sheet 1'!$A$1

Can someone tell me if this is possible, and if so what I am doing wrong? I appreciate it!