My spreadsheet consists of multiple sheets, with sheet “Requests_J” displaying information from the other sheets in coded form for anonymity, and pairing up suitable matches. My goal is to choose a job (unique ID) and have it apply a filter for copy and pasting.

Unique job ID’s are in sheet “Requests_J” range A4 downward.
Principal is to find latest entry (Selection.End(x1Down).Select) then prompt for user to click on a job of their choosing. It must be a valid cell in column A containing data. I want the input box to display the text in the cell (which it currently does not), rather than the cell ref. If the cell is blank prompt "select a valid job request". I want it to select the cell (which it currently does not). Once selected, I want to find the job category in column H (seven columns to the right).
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I now want to find the first occurrence of the job category in sheet “Servers_Y” range I2:DG2 and select, then move down two rows to where I have located the autofilter buttons and activate the filter to display only cells with ”x”. This is where I truly get lost.
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It must then select all valid cells (that contain data) from column H, for copying. These are email addresses.
