Hello there,

i was wondering if someone could help me there.

I have a sheets containg the follwing values.

prefix desc Belgacom 09GSM_G 09GSM_T 42com
1201 USA 0.0057 0.0124 0.0071
1202 USA 0.0057 0.0124 0.0071
1203 USA 0.0057 0.0071 0.0057

now i want to get the following information

Prefix Desc
1201 USA in cel 1 cheapest rate 0.0057 and cell 2 cheapest supplier Belgacom

I can use cheapest supllier by the formula =smallest(A3:A5,1) or 2 or 3
for finding supplier i have formula =INDEX(C1:F1,MATCH(SMALL(C2:E2,1),C2:E2,0)) and i can copy this down.

Butt here comes the problem
prefix 1203 has 2 suppliers with same rate, and with the formula i gett for the first samllest and the second smallest value Belgacom, while it should give me for the second value provider 09GSM_T

Can anyone help me on this please......