I have a list of tasks, along with their start and end dates. Simple enough. On my report summary sheet, I would like to display the name of said task(s) only if the end date is not yet complete (cell is empty). =IF('Issue Tracker'!F6="",'Issue Tracker'!C6,"") works fine, except that the output on the report is relative to the row positions of the open/incomplete tasks. In other words, if Task 1 is open, but Task 2 is closed, then Task 3 is open, it will display the task names, but there is an empty row between the tasks on the report worksheet. How can I get the IF formula to find all of the open tasks within a range and list them sequentially, rather than using the position-relative fill handle technique? I tried referencing the named ranges of the columns, but get a VALUE error.

Many thanks for assistance...