Hi all, is there a way to fix below issue:

I have about 15 Subs that I run my macros.. Through the process it utalizes opening many other spreadsheets and closing.

My file name however always changes and is always 1 day behind. here is example

1) Today(02 10 2012) I would open last generated file "Prepare Report 02 08 2012" and run macro (the file that I run my macros is always 2business days behind)
2) macro runs and it is autosaved as "Prepare Report 02 09 2012" (so Monday when i perform this process I will use "Prepare Report 02 09 2012" file which will be resaved as "Prepare Report 02 10 2012"

Here is my problem. Throughout my modules I used to refer to my workbook as: Windows("Prepare Report").Activate
I basically need to replace this throughout my whole modules so it knows to go back to the original report(where the date will be 2 business days back) when it runs my macros as when I open other spreadsheets it knows to which original workbook to go back to, so in above example it would be Windows("Prepare Report 02 082012").Activate

any help is much appreciated! thanks so much