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Keyboard Shortcut To Turn Cell Value Into Formula

  1. #1
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    Keyboard Shortcut To Turn Cell Value Into Formula

    Sorry I couldn't come up with a better subject line. What I am trying to do is to figure out if there is a keyboard shortcut for the following:

    Say my co-workder put 6,582 as the value of cell A1 and then emailed me the spreadshhet. While I am reviewing his work and realize he forgot something and we really need to add an additional 1,265 to this cell for a total value of 7,847.

    Right now I edit the cell by adding the equals sign before 6,582, then add a plus sign after it, and then add the 1,265. What I am hoping for is a keyboard shortcut that will automatically add the equals sign before 6,582, so all I have to do is type + 1,265.

    I know this sounds pretty trivial, but there are probably 25-30 cells on each worksheet that I need to modify by adding or subtracting multiple values and it would be very helpful for a shortcut that would not only put me in edit mode, but also add the equals sign at the beginning.

    Thanks, Spence

  2. #2
    Valued Forum Contributor
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    Re: Keyboard Shortcut To Turn Cell Value Into Formula

    Hello Spencer,

    You can create a Module within you workbook and paste the below code. To do this press the F11 key while holding down the Alt key. Go to insert and then select Module. Paste the code here. Now Exit out of Visual Basic (alt+Q) and press the F8 key while holding down the Alt key. You should get a macro pop up box. Highlight the Macro, Macro1, and then select the options button on the right. Here you can assign a shortcut key to the Macro. So that it will add the equals sign to the beginning of the cell.

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  3. #3
    Forum Contributor
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    Re: Keyboard Shortcut To Turn Cell Value Into Formula

    RVASQUEZ, thank you for that solution, I do believe under normal circumstances that would work fine. These particular spreadsheets are created by our customer and are locked down pretty well, so I won't be able to insert any code.

    Thanks for your help,

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