Hi Everyone,

I am trying to solve a problem and have not been able to come up with a solution.

I have a list of values:
A | B
item 11 | 1
item 12 | 2
item 13 | 3
item 11 | 4
item 14 | 5
item 15 | 6
item 16 | 7
item 11 | 8
item 17 | 9
item 18 | 10

I want to return a list like the following where A=11: 1,4,8

I have a set of constraints where I cannot use certain functions (based on the product I am using, Xcelsius). I am listing them out because I have been able to come up with a solution using Excel only with both of these but I am unable to use them in my final Xcelsius solution:
INDIRECT, {arrays}, No VBA

Here is a link to the documentation for supported functions:

I have been able to find the first value fine with VLOOKUP or MATCH but can't figure out how to find the 2, 3, 4, etc (up to X) instance of the item. This is what I have been working with.

This is what I am using to find the 1st value:

I don't believe I can get the list created with one cell so I have been trying to setup separate columns with MATCH functions and each consecutive MATCH function range will change based on the previous MATCH function. For example:
D1: =MATCH($A1,$A$1:$A$10,0)
E1: =MATCH($A1,$A$2:$A$10,0)
F1: =MATCH($A1,$A$5:$A$10,0)
G1: =MATCH($A1,$A$9:$A$10,0)

D2: =INDEX($B$1:$B$10,$D$1)
E2: =INDEX($B$1:$B$10,$D$1+$E$1)
F2: =INDEX($B$1:$B$10,$D$1+$E$1+$F$1)
G2: =INDEX($B$1:$B$10,$D$1+$E$1+$F$1+$G$1)

Then using the following two formulas, I am able to create the list:
D4: =IF(NOT(ISERROR(D2)),D2&",","")&IF(NOT(ISERROR(E2)),E2&",","")&IF(NOT(ISERROR(F2)),F2&",","")&IF(NOT(ISERROR(G2)),G2&",","")
E4: =LEFT(D4,LEN(D4)-1)

Result in E4 should be a list with the contents of 1,4,8.

I haven't been able to dynamically change the beginning column:row values based on the previous MATCH result. Using ADDRESS with INDIRECT and using {arrays} I've been able to get it to work but since INDIRECT and {arrays} aren't supported, I have been stuck.

Thank you for your time.