So i have been searching a countdown question but I cannot find the specific formula that would be applicable. It's almost hard for me to describe. So here goes nothin. I have a date in A1, and in B2 I have a number that represents how many days untill I reach it, a year from that date (counting down.) Example;

A1= 27May2012 B1= 365

So a month from now (27June2012) it should read as such;

A1= 27May2012 B1= 333

The funny thing is I have done this with a 90 day coundown and it works fine with this formula =A1+90-TODAY(). However when I substitute 365 for the 90 it doesnt work, the formula remains the formula. Its pretty confusing and frusterating that I cant find this out on my own because I'm sure I'm missing a tiny little detail. Any help would be greatly appreciated.