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Copy Multiple Columns of Data from Duplicates in 1st Column into Separate Sheets

  1. #1
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    Excel 2003

    Copy Multiple Columns of Data from Duplicates in 1st Column into Separate Sheets


    Perhaps I am asking for the moon here, but I am trying to get the data from column B and C into a separate sheets (tabs) for each 'brand' in column A ('A' is a brand, 'B' is a brand, etc.).

    - Column A has duplicates and matches the name of the sheet i want it to go into
    - Column B will not have duplicates within each 'childbrandabbreviation' but will have duplicates within the column
    - Column C will have duplicates, it relates to both column B and column A.

    Of course v-Lookup only pulls the first match, I need all of the matches. And this can certainly be copy/pasted manually but there are 100s of brands and over 60,000 part numbers.

    An example is attached...

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Thank you,
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  2. #2
    Forum Expert Fotis1991's Avatar
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    Re: Copy Multiple Columns of Data from Duplicates in 1st Column into Separate Sheets

    Hi and welcome to the forum.

    If you were asking for the moon,...be sure that i could not do something for this..

    But in this case, i think that i can...

    Column A, will use as helper column.

    In B1, of SheetA, use this Array formula.

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    In C1, this.
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    Copy down. Same way for the others Sheets.

    Is this, works for you?
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  3. #3
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    Re: Copy Multiple Columns of Data from Duplicates in 1st Column into Separate Sheets

    Fotis, thank you so much for your quick reply. When I open your updated file in 2003 it just shows '#NAME?' for all of the formatting, do you have any idea what I need to do?

    Thanks again,

    Quote Originally Posted by Fotis1991 View Post
    Hi and welcome to the forum.

    If you were asking for the moon,...be sure that i could not do something for this..

    But in this case, i think that i can...

    Column A, will use as helper column.

    In B1, of SheetA, use this Array formula.

    Please Login or Register  to view this content.
    In C1, this.
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    Copy down. Same way for the others Sheets.

    Is this, works for you?

  4. #4
    Forum Expert Fotis1991's Avatar
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    Re: Copy Multiple Columns of Data from Duplicates in 1st Column into Separate Sheets

    Apologize for this..

    I did not noticed that you are in Excel 2003. So function IFERROR, does not works...

    In B1

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    In C1

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    Both are Array formulae.

    Is it OK, now?
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