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Select multiple independent cells and perform a calculation

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  1. #1
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    Select multiple independent cells and perform a calculation

    This is a two part question.

    Firstly, is there a way to select two or more cells that are independent from each other? (e.g. "A2" and "H6")

    Secondly, after the two or more cells are selected is it possible to perform an instantaneous calculation in another cell? (e.g. "A2" shows 5 and "H6" shows 10 then "M27" displays 5+10=15)


  2. #2
    Forum Expert Palmetto's Avatar
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    Re: Select multiple independent cells and perform a calculation

    If you want the results in a cell, then you must use VBA.

    However, if you select multiple cells, the status bar (at bottom right of screen) will show the sum or average of cells without the need for a formula or VBA. Will that work for you?

    To select multiple non-contiguous cells hold down the Ctrl key while clicking on each cell with the mouse.

    Do you know . . . ?

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  3. #3
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    Re: Select multiple independent cells and perform a calculation

    Thanks for the response. is there anyway that I can use just the mouse rather than having to hold down the Ctrl key. I imagine a bit of VBA code.

    Any ideas on the code to display the sum in a cell?


  4. #4
    Forum Expert ben_hensel's Avatar
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    Re: Select multiple independent cells and perform a calculation

    Getting back to OP...
    Quote Originally Posted by mtsykes28 View Post
    Secondly, after the two or more cells are selected is it possible to perform an instantaneous calculation in another cell? (e.g. "A2" shows 5 and "H6" shows 10 then "M27" displays 5+10=15)
    Quote Originally Posted by mtsykes28 View Post
    Any ideas on the code to display the sum in a cell?
    A1 = first value
    B1 = second value
    C1 = A1 & " + " & B1 & " = " & A1+B1
    Last edited by ben_hensel; 06-19-2012 at 03:13 PM.

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    Re: Select multiple independent cells and perform a calculation

    Quote Originally Posted by mtsykes28 View Post
    is there anyway that I can use just the mouse rather than having to hold down the Ctrl key. I imagine a bit of VBA code.
    Combined with the code supplied by tigeravatar in your other thread as I'm guessing the 2 are related.

    Double click the first cell to activate multiple cell selection, then single click the others. Double click again (any cell) to deactivate.

    List of selected values will show go in G24, the sum in G25.

    Public toggle As Boolean
    Public rng As Range
    Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)
        Cancel = True
        Set rng = Target
        toggle = (toggle = False)
    End Sub
    Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
        Application.EnableEvents = False
        If toggle Then
            Set rng = Application.Union(rng, Target)
            Set rng = Target
        End If
        Dim TargetCell As Range
        Dim strValue As String
        For Each TargetCell In rng
            strValue = strValue & ", " & TargetCell.Value
        Next TargetCell
        strValue = Mid(strValue, 3)
        Range("G24").Value = strValue
        Range("G25") = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(rng)
        Application.EnableEvents = True
    End Sub

  6. #6
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    Re: Select multiple independent cells and perform a calculation

    Thanks Ben and Jason.

    The code from Jason works like a charm however at the moment it only adds. Is there a way for it to be able to add and subtract depending on what columns and cells are selected?

    For example:

    If I select a cell in column A first then a cell from column B second it will be an addition.

    If I select a cell in column B first then a cell from column A second it will be a subtraction.

    At the moment you have to double click the first cell and then select the non-contiguous cells which adds them up as they are selected. Would it be possible to triple click the first cell and then select the non-contigious cells as normal however this time it would subtract?

    Again your help and advice would be very much appreciated.

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    Re: Select multiple independent cells and perform a calculation

    Would your examples always be the case?

    I can edit the code to add or subtract depending on which column you double click, but I don't think that there is a way to trap a triple click.

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    Re: Select multiple independent cells and perform a calculation

    Not sure if this works in excel 2010 but it works in 2007.

    First enable iterative calculation (Excel options > formulas) this will supress those annoying circular reference warnings that you will see while setting this up.

    Next go to the formulas tab on the ribbon, then Name manager > New

    Name:- Selection
    Refers to:- =SELECTION()

    In the cell where you want the result, enter =IF(TODAY(),SUM(Selection))

    ** note that the IF(TODAY() part is required to make the formula volatile so that it will recalculate.

    Select your cells using the ctrl click method suggested by Palmetto, then press F9 to force the sheet to recalculate.

  9. #9
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    Re: Select multiple independent cells and perform a calculation

    The following are the actual column combinations:

    ADDITION: B then F, G then K, L then P, R then V, W then AA, AB then AF

    SUBTRACTION: F then B, K then G, P then L, V then R, AA then W, AF then AB

    I hope that makes sense. Shame about the triple click - that would be a brilliant feature.

    Thanks for all your help so far.

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    Re: Select multiple independent cells and perform a calculation

    Couple more questions to try and get it right first time.

    Will you be selecting multiple cells per column, or more than one pair of columns at any one time?

    Where do you want the results, should it always be same place, or relative to the selected columns?

  11. #11
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    Re: Select multiple independent cells and perform a calculation

    Yes I probably will select multiple cells per column however one cell from each column will be the most common method.

    Is it an either or answer to re-working the code with regards to selecting a single cell per column or selecting multiple cells per column?

    The results will always have to be displayed in the same cell.


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    Re: Select multiple independent cells and perform a calculation

    A slightly different take on the solution, see if this works for you.

    Double clicking a cell in any of your listed columns will carry out the relevant addition / subtraction and place the result in G25, repeated double clicks will append to the existing total. Double clicking a cell in any of the columns between will reset G25 to 0.

    Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)
    Cancel = True
    With Range("G25")
    If Target.Column = 1 Then .Value = 0: Exit Sub
        Select Case Target.Column Mod 5
            Case Is = 1
                .Value = .Value + (Target.Value - Target.Offset(, -4).Value)
            Case Is = 2
                .Value = .Value + Target.Value + Target.Offset(, 4).Value
            Case Else
                .Value = 0
        End Select
    End With
    End Sub

  13. #13
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    Re: Select multiple independent cells and perform a calculation

    This works really well and keeps the spreadsheet discreet. However in the code you sent before it showed two cells - one with the selected cell and the other with the sum total. Is there a way to include this because at the moment the spreadsheet cells are rather small and I use that cell in the spreadsheet to show the selected cell enlarged.

    Also the current code only allows directly opposite cells to calculate.

    B2 and F2 = addition or K2 and G2 = subtraction

    Is there a way to be able to chose cells that are higher or lower in the column?


    B2 and F6 (addition) or K3 and G9 (subtraction)

    Hope this all makes sense.

    Again thanks for your continued advice with this problem. It is much appreciated.

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    Re: Select multiple independent cells and perform a calculation

    I think this should work, I've tried to keep it simple with comments showing what you might need to edit.

    Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)
    Cancel = True
    Dim rng As Range
    Set rng = Range("G24:G25") ' destination range
        ' note that if you use 2 separate cells in the range, i.e. Range("G24,J24") then you will need to change
        ' rng(1) to rng.Areas(1) and rng(2) to rng.Areas(2)
    If Target.Column = 1 Then rng.ClearContents: Exit Sub
        Select Case Target.Column Mod 5
            Case Is = 1
                    ' the offsets in this section are relative to double clicking in columns F, K, P, etc
                    ' rng(1) refers to the first cell in the destination range, this is where the list of the cell values is shown
                    ' to show the results in the opposite cells, change rng(1) to rng(2)
                    ' Target.Offset(6, -4) sets the position of the paired cell, 6 rows below the target, 4 columns left
                    ' positive numbers offset down or right, negatives offset up or left. rows before the comma, columns after.
                rng(1) = IIf(rng(1) = "", "", rng(1) & ", ") & Target & ", " & Target.Offset(6, -4)
                    ' rng(2) to refers to the second cell in the range, this is where the sum will be shown
                    ' to show the results in the opposite cells, change rng(2) to rng(1)
                rng(2) = rng(2) + (Target - Target.Offset(6, -4))
            Case Is = 2
                    ' the offsets in this section are relative to double clicking in columns B, G, L, etc
                rng(1) = IIf(rng(1) = "", "", rng(1) & ", ") & Target & ", " & Target.Offset(6, 4)
                rng(2) = rng(2) + Target.Value + Target.Offset(6, 4)
            Case Else
        End Select
    End Sub
    Note that I haven't included any error handling in the code. If the double clicked cell, or the related offset cell conatins text then the code will fail. The same would happen if the offset related to the clicked cell refers to an invalid range, i.e. if your row offset was -4 and you double clicked in row 3.

    Hope all that makes sense.

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    Re: Select multiple independent cells and perform a calculation

    Sorry I have not got back to you I have been away for the past week and have only just looked at the code today. I have run the macro and have read your comments and changed a few things however I cannot get the the double clicked cells to subtract with any other selected cells they can only add. Any ideas?

    I have decided that it is probably best for me to just be able to select a specific cell (say B3) then seperately select another cell (say F5) rather than it just be automatic. I hope that makes sense.

    Cells selected in columns B, G, L and Q first need to make an addition calculation.
    Cells selected in columns F, K, P and U first need to make a subtraction calculation.

    Thanks for all your help so far. Much appreciated.

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    Re: Select multiple independent cells and perform a calculation

    I think I finally have this right

    Trying to keep it as close to the method in post #6, Double click in one of your specified columns to start, then single click the remaining desired cells to add / subtract the values. Single click in a 'between' (C,D,E,H,J,K,etc) column to stop. The results will remain in the sheet until next time you double click.

    Option Explicit
    Public flag As Long
    Public rng As Range
    Public toggle As Boolean
    Public rng2 As Range
    Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)
        Cancel = True
        If toggle Then Exit Sub
        flag = (Target.Column - 1) Mod 5 + 1
        If flag > 2 Or Target.Column = 1 Then Exit Sub
        toggle = True
        Set rng = Target
        Set rng2 = Range("G24:G25")
        rng2 = rng
    End Sub
    Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
    If Not toggle Or Target.Count > 1 Or Target.Column = 1 Then Exit Sub
        Application.EnableEvents = False
    Set rng = Application.Union(rng, Target)
        Select Case Target.Column Mod 5
            Case Is = 2
                rng2(1) = rng2(1) & IIf(flag = 1, ",- ", ", ") & Target
                rng2(2) = rng2(2) + IIf(flag = 1, -Target, Target)
            Case Is = 1
                rng2(1) = rng2(1) & ", " & Target
                rng2(2) = rng2(2) + Target
            Case Else
                toggle = False
        End Select
        Application.EnableEvents = True
    End Sub
    The code will add a "-" prefix to subtracted values in the cell where the values are listed, if this is not required, replace the line
    rng2(1) = rng2(1) & IIf(flag = 1, ",- ", ", ") & Target
    rng2(1) = rng2(1) & ", " & Target
    I think it should do what you need it to, guess we will find out shortly

  17. #17
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    Re: Select multiple independent cells and perform a calculation

    Working! Adding and subtracting perfectly depending on the columns that are selected first. Brilliant.

    Two quick questions:

    Is there a way for the calculations cell contents to disappear when finished? When you double click on another column to stop the calculation in the previous code you posted the cell that showed the calculations cleared to show an empty cell. At the moment when you double click when finished the calculations remain. Is it possible to have this feature in the new code?

    Also I have decided to put the calculation box now in A1 and the answer box in P27. Could you tell me how to modify the code to allow for this?

    However thanks so much for your help with this question.

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    Re: Select multiple independent cells and perform a calculation

    All sorted, with an extra. Clicking columns C,D,E, etc to cancel will clear the result cells, clicking in column A will stop adding new cells, but still retain the old result.

    Option Explicit
    Public flag As Long
    Public rng As Range
    Public toggle As Boolean
    Public rng2 As Range
    Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)
        Cancel = True
        If toggle Then Exit Sub
        flag = (Target.Column - 1) Mod 5 + 1
        If flag > 2 Or Target.Column = 1 Then Exit Sub
        toggle = True
        Set rng = Target
        Set rng2 = Range("P27,A1")
        rng2 = rng
    End Sub
    Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
    If Not toggle Or Target.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
    If Target.Column = 1 Then toggle = False: Exit Sub
        Application.EnableEvents = False
    Set rng = Application.Union(rng, Target)
        Select Case Target.Column Mod 5
            Case Is = 2
                rng2.Areas(1) = rng2.Areas(1) & IIf(flag = 1, ",- ", ", ") & Target
                rng2.Areas(2) = rng2.Areas(2) + IIf(flag = 1, -Target, Target)
            Case Is = 1
                rng2.Areas(1) = rng2.Areas(1) & ", " & Target
                rng2.Areas(2) = rng2.Areas(2) + Target
            Case Else
                toggle = False
        End Select
        Application.EnableEvents = True
    End Sub

  19. #19
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    Re: Select multiple independent cells and perform a calculation

    Brilliant! Thank you so much for all of your help. It is working perfectly.

    Until the next excel question...

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