Good Day!

I am setting up a worksheet and I need the date in cell C2 to set to the date tin which cell V2 is populated; and the rows that proceed. The worksheet will have rows that represent individual items that need to be reviewed. Once the user reviews the line item they will input their initials into Column V and I would like the date in which they reviewed the item to set in Column C. How would I go about setting this up?

In addition to this, is there a way to count the number of WORKDAYS in between two dates and have that value input into a cell (in Column A). For example in this same workbook... I need to count the number of days between the date the item was reported (Column B) and the date it was reviewed (Column C); in order to determine the average review time of the items.

Summary of the main worksheet columns is below:

Column A: Count of days between date reported and date reviewed.
Column B: Date Item Reported
Column C: Date Item Reviewed
Column D: Item Description
Column V: Initials of Associate Who Reviewed the Item

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!