Giant nerd speaking here. If you can understand my name, you probably already knew that but that's okay!
I have been playing a game with friends call Earthdawn. It's kind of like DnD but uses much more dice. In it, everything is determined by what step dice you roll. IE, Step 7 d12, Step 8 2d6. For other table top games, I have used Excel extensively for adding up the multitude of numbers that go hand in hand with uber nerd games. However, I am kind of lost on trying to do something a little different. I believe it is possible to have a field to get certain characters (numbers / letters) based on a number in a different field.
I mean like this: When A1 has the number 7 in it, d12 appears in the A2 field. 8 in B1 makes 2d6 in B2. 12 in C1 yields 2d10 C2, and so on and so forth. The game can get incredibly complex in regards to what dice to use based on different modifiers like magic and situational modifiers. Because of this, I would love being able to make an Excel sheet that could calculate this difference. I believe it is called something like a reference sheet or something, where I can program Input and Output? Any help would be appreciated.