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Entering data daily into one specific cell

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Excel 2007

    Entering data daily into one specific cell


    I am trying to create an inventory tracker for electrical equipment in stock, being used for different addresses, and additional items being purchased for our stock.

    I need a spreadsheet that shows the 10 electrical items across the top row and addresses of places I am currently doing electrical work at should be added downwards in the first column.

    However, I also need to be able to see how many of each item are available for use at any given time on the spreadsheet no matter how far I have scrolled down to a particular address.

    The total available qty of each product should be a sum of what I had in my warehouse plus what I have purchased minus what has been put aside in total for all of my addresses.

    I need to know if I can, on a separate sheet, keep entering all of the purchases I make for each item without having to create an entire list. So, I should simply have one list of all the items with a box beside it that lets you enter how much of that item you purchased today and then disappears (or gets added to the first spreadsheet somehow) so that tomorrow I can again enter another number into that same cell.

    Does that make sense? I need help with this please... if it is even possible...


  2. #2
    Forum Contributor bentleybob's Avatar
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    Re: Entering data daily into one specific cell

    If I'm reading this correctly, you have several things you're looking for. In your third paragraph, you want to be able to see how many items of each of the 10 categories are available regardless of where you scroll in the worksheet. That sounds like simply Freeze Panes will do the trick. Then in your 5th paragraph, you indicate you want to have data you entered one day stored away so you can re-use the cell the next day. That sounds like you need to use VBA, specifically something like OnSave, where the storing away is done when you save the file.

    If these might work for you, I'd suggest posting a version of your workbook so folks can help you with the coding. Or, better still, try the coding yourself (you'll learn it better) and ask for help as needed.

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