I have made an Excel application that is getting large by my standards. Printing the code yields about 20 half full pages. 10 sheets doing this and that, buttons here and there.
Here's the background: People walk around in a large industrial plant and gather data on certain items. X and Y coordinates of the item within the room, weight, manufacturer, tag no etc etc. It ends up with something like 50 columns of data for each item. Pictures are taken of each item and of each room. There are about 1000-5000 items and 50-100 rooms. My Excel app is used as a input and temporary storage of the data. When all data is collected and error free, you can then generate pdf's for each row of data, complete with pictures, a map chart and what not.

All in all the Excel app has 7 tables or lists. Many of them contain formulas for crosschecking for errors, others list pictures in folders. For instance the pictures should have the same name as the items and it's crosschecked with formulas. Also checking for doubles and other invalid data. Some consolidation.

In the beginning I just made the lists and copied the formulas down as far as I expected them to go with a good margin. As development went along I replaced more and more of these lists with Tables and converted the formulas to work on the Table. It makes a lot of sense to me, the table provide you with all the dynamic named ranges you need and copy the formulas as new entries are added.
Is this the way to go or am I missing some major drawback?

After writing this post I realized there is a thing called google. It gave me this link but I would still like some feedback from different angles so just fire away.