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Work Schedule, 10hr Shifts, 4 on 3 off, Rotating Weekends Off

  1. #1
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    Work Schedule, 10hr Shifts, 4 on 3 off, Rotating Weekends Off

    Hi Experts! :-) I have the task of creating a work schedule and quite honestly need help. Would anyone have a template for the below scenario?

    8 Employees
    10 Hr Shifts (1 Being AM Shift from 5AM-3:30PM and 1 Being PM Shift from 6:30AM-5:00PM). I need 4 Employees on AM and 4 Employees on PM and only need 2 Employees on Saturday and 2 Employees on Sunday working.
    Hours of Operation from 5AM to 5PM
    7 Days a Week Operation
    I would like to allow each employee to have a full weekend off on rotating basis and then the work cycle would restart when complete.

    would anyone be so kind to assist me? I appreciate it.

  2. #2
    Valued Forum Contributor Melvinrobb's Avatar
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    Re: Work Schedule, 10hr Shifts, 4 on 3 off, Rotating Weekends Off

    Would the following work, or are there other changes needed each week I did not account for?
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Please click the * icon below if I have helped.

  3. #3
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    Re: Work Schedule, 10hr Shifts, 4 on 3 off, Rotating Weekends Off

    Hi there..thanks for taking a look at it.. I attached what I currently use to outline the bid for the employees. This is just a standard 4 days on 3 days off bid with everyone working a 10hr day. However, it does not allow every employee to have a weekend off at some point during the month. That is the challenge I am trying to overcome. The ultimate goal is to have something similar to what is attached or something created that would allow everyone to have at least 1 weekend off a month and rotate.. not sure if that makes sense.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  4. #4
    Forum Expert Pepe Le Mokko's Avatar
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    Re: Work Schedule, 10hr Shifts, 4 on 3 off, Rotating Weekends Off

    I'm afraid your post does not comply with Rule 8 of our Forum RULES. Cross-posting is when you post the same question in other forums on the web. You'll find people are disinclined to respond to cross-posts because they may be wasting their time solving a problem that has been solved elsewhere. We prefer that you not cross-post at all, but if you do (and it's unlikely to go unnoticed), you MUST provide a link (copy the url from the address bar in your browser)to the cross-post. Expect cross-posts without a link to be closed a message will be posted by the moderator explaining why. We are here to help so help us to help you!

    Read this to understand why we ask you to do this, and then please edit your first post to include links to any and all cross-posts in any other forums (not just this site).

    Cross posted on excelkey.com

    EDIT also crossposted on mrexcel.com
    Last edited by Pepe Le Mokko; 12-21-2012 at 08:02 AM.

  5. #5
    Valued Forum Contributor Melvinrobb's Avatar
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    Re: Work Schedule, 10hr Shifts, 4 on 3 off, Rotating Weekends Off

    You stated earlier you need 4 individuals on AM and 4 on PM. It appears in your file you have 2-4 people throughout the week. what is the number each day of the week?

  6. #6
    Valued Forum Contributor Melvinrobb's Avatar
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    Re: Work Schedule, 10hr Shifts, 4 on 3 off, Rotating Weekends Off

    IF the condition of "Four days on, 3 days off" has to be met, I'm not sure how this can be solved. if you work Monday-Thursday, and have Friday-Sunday off, you need to start again on Monday.
    A bit more info about what conditions NEED to be met, and what can be changed, would help.

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