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Organizing Baseball Statistics from Multiple Sources

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Excel 2003

    Organizing Baseball Statistics from Multiple Sources

    I want to do this with a formula if possible as I am not familiar with Macros.

    I am trying to combine baseball stats from multiple sources. However, the sources don't always have the same list of players. In my example the Source 1 has many more names than Source 2; source 2 only has one name that source 1 doesn't have. What I would like to do is somehow create a new matrix with the average of the data. So if Player A has 45 HRs from one source and 35 in another the final matrix will show 40 HR. Also if Source 1 has Player B but Source 2 does not I want the final Matrix to show Player B with source 1's data (or inverse of this).

    I think this can really boil down to creating a column of unique player names from all the sources but I am unsure as to how to do this.

    I have also shown a matrix of source 2 that has been spread out so that it lines up with source 1; meaning that if there is a player in Source 1 but not Source 2 that there will be a blank in the spread out version. If somebody can think of a way to recreate this with a formula that would also solve my problem.

    Anything that could help or maybe point me in the right direction would be great.

    Let me know if I need to explain more. Thanks!

    Baseball Stats Question.xls

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Bristol, UK
    MS-Off Ver
    Excel 2010

    Re: Organizing Baseball Statistics from Multiple Sources

    Hi there,

    By the looks of it you're using Excel 2003, so to get the unique names, first copy all of your names into a column, then do an Advance Filter to get the uniques (see this link for instructions if you've never done one: http://www.lytebyte.com/2008/10/30/h...in-excel-2003/). If you're using 2007+ then you can just choose Data > Remove duplicates.

    Once you've got your unique names, create your table and then all you would need to do is nest a VLOOKUP in an AVERAGE formula, so:

    =AVERAGE(VLOOKUP([Cell with player's name],[Source 1],[Relevant column no],FALSE),VLOOKUP([Cell with player's name],[Source 2],[Relevant column no],FALSE))


    Last edited by Fermented Reptile; 01-23-2013 at 11:35 AM.

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