Well, it's the way I'm thinking of doing this at least. There may be other, better ways to get this to work, however.

I have two charts; one has Column & Row listings that intersect only on specific cells (not all cells have information; I have 9 columns and 9 row,s but not all combinations of cells will have anything; one column only has a single entry, one has 2, four have 3, two have 5, and one has 6; rows are similar - two have 2, three have 3, three have 4, and one has 6). However, not all 9 rows or columns are necessarily active all the time. I wanted to see if I could use some form of "activator" cell, where I put something like Y for that row or column, and it would highlight (or something similar) any intersecting cells that are also activated on the other axis (one row being "active" would then highlight any of the cells in "active" columns that it properly intersects with.

The second chart is based off the first one. It has the cells of the above one being used in "creation" (essentially using two to four cells of the above chart will result in a success). What I was hoping to do, was if one of the cells on the second chart was targeted at a cell from the top chart, it would either be highlighted or not depending on if the top chart's cell was highlighted. Extra bonus points if the "creation" (which I have listed off to the side of the cells it uses) then also gets highlighted if all its cells are highlighted as well.

I honestly don't know how to go about this one. If needed I can provide a sample of what I'm talking about so you can get a visual of what I'm looking at and talking about.