I am trying to track street pavement for a city and as you can imagine, there is a lot of data entry.

At the end of the day, I will need to know the total length of streets with brick, asphalt, and concrete. Column 'D' has the street material (Asphalt, Brick, Concrete) and Column 'E' will have the length. At the bottom of the sheet, under column 'E', I have cells that will show the total length for streets with Asphalt (E61), Brick (E63), and Concrete(E65), so I need a formula to enter in those cells that will look for the specific pavement materials it is totalling

Also, I am tracking streets with/without curb and gutter. If a street doesn't have it, I need to track how much will be needed. Basically, it will be the length (Column E) times 2 (both sides of the street). In column 'G' there will either be 'Yes' or 'No'. If 'Yes', then I don't need a total and the cell containg the amount of curb and gutter need (Column 'J') will be blank. However, if 'No', Column 'J' will have the total amount of curb and gutter needed ('E??' x 2)

Obviously the sheets will be different lengths so the cells will need to be copied and pasted.

Thanks for your help.