Hi Guys.

I have some cells with text entered in column A.

These cells contain a time reference either in '09:30 - 16:30' format or just an 'AM/PM' format.

What I need to do is to populate column B with the part of the string that comes AFTER the times in the text (either in hh:mm format or AM/PM format)

336 Data 2012 Classroom Induction 2012/08/28 09:30 - 16:30 data about this ------> data about this
336 Information about this 2013/04/04 09:00 - 13:00 Information 2 ------> Information 2
336 info CHS Suffolk 2013/05/07 PM DRC, BSE ------> DRC, BSE
364 information 2013/02/12 AM DRC, BSE ------> DRC, BSE

I cannot get this to work and cannot use Text To column as there is no character I can use to split it.

Any help on a formula would be great.
