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Adjusting Inventory and Accounting records and striking variance values

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    Adjusting Inventory and Accounting records and striking variance values

    Hello everyone ~ My Name is Rebecca and I love in Chandler, Arizona. I am an accountant for a medical device company and have a major challange upon me. I consider myself and intermediate Excel user and can usually get by with what I know or take an existing spreadsheet for move forward with it. However, I have been given a huge task of "automating" our inventory system to our accounting system (of course they are 2 seperate programs). Without getting into too much "Accountant Terms" I need to be able to make adjustments on the financials every month end for variances. Now I know how to export all the data and create a basic spreadsheet with simple formulas and vlookups.... however there are so many different scenarios of "if" probabilities that its beyond my scope of knowledge and I believe it is going to take so serious macro creating. I am taking some advanced excel courses however for me to be able to comprehend this project could take months possibly up to a year to do it on my own... what I am looking for is someone who cna assist me in creating this spreadsheet. I don't want to simply pay someone to just do the work I want to be able to work along side with them and be tutored through the process.

    If there is anyone that can help... please reply to this post.
    Last edited by Richard Buttrey; 08-19-2013 at 01:08 PM. Reason: Thread title changed.

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