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Hightlighting part of a column

  1. #1
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    Hightlighting part of a column

    I have seen a youtube video and I can't find it no more. On it it should that if you have a list in excel in one column. For example the list contains Product x Product y and Product z. Say you want to highlight product x rather than scrolling down there is a keyboard short cut to do to highlight to the bottom of product x and not the whole column (shift, Ctrl and down arrow)

    Does any one know what this short cut is?

  2. #2
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    Re: Hightlighting part of a column


    hey u just want to highlight the particular cell right??

    just press F5 it means go to...

  3. #3
    Valued Forum Contributor tony h's Avatar
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    Re: Hightlighting part of a column

    As I understand your question if you have


    and you have selected the first A then there is a set of control keys to get you to the last A. This is a new one on me but this link might help

    ou might do what you want by putting on a filter first and then selecting. But I'll be interested to see if anyone has a better answer.

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  4. #4
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    Re: Hightlighting part of a column

    Uttam I don't want to highlight the cell. So if I highlight the top Product x there is a short cut to highlight all the Product x in that list. I don't want to highlight then whole column, which I know is shift, Ctrl and down arrow.

    Tony that's actually what I want to do. Thanks for the link I will look through it to see it and when I saw the you tube click it was a new one on me too but it was certainly helpful. I so wish I could find it again.

  5. #5
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    Re: Hightlighting part of a column

    I think you want a conditional format in your cells.

    You could refer to an cell (e.g. a1) in wich is the product, you want it highlighted.
    Notice my main language is not English.

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  6. #6
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    Re: Hightlighting part of a column


    Your post does not comply with Rule 8 of our Forum RULES. Do not crosspost your question on multiple forums without including links here to the other threads on other forums.

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  7. #7
    Forum Expert newdoverman's Avatar
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    Re: Hightlighting part of a column

    If you want to select the cells that have a certain product, select the column that has the product names. Click on the Home tab, Find & Select, Find, and enter the product name. Click on Find All. A window will open at the bottom of the find box. Click on the first item in the box then scroll to the bottom of the list and hold down the Shift Key and click on the last item. The whole list will be selected. Click on Close. All the cells that you specified will be selected even if they are not together.
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    Ron W

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