Hi! I actually created this account solely for making this post and asking you guys something, so I hope I have my queries solved.

Call me nuts, but I have decided to store all that I know of (academically) in a singular Table that is arranged in a hierarchy. I initially started out this plan on Microsoft Word, but it had too many limitations. For one, it had a paper size limit. And frankly speaking, Word really wasn't the ideal software for tables.
Regardless, I created a preview of a smaller version of what this Table would look like in Word. In this, there is only the names of the disciplines and their subdisciplines. No actual content of every individual discipline yet.
It is read from top to bottom.
If the hierarchy nature is unclear, here is a hierarchy mindmap to clear things up.

  1. What software do you think is capable for the job? Spreadsheet software like Excel, or Database software like Access?
  2. Do you think the software you stated is capable of storing ALL information?

I am asking only for the technical information of software and such, I do not need opinions of what ought to be in the hierarchy (like if you think Maths doesn't belongs in Philosophy).

Thanks in advance! :)