Hi, I trying to import external data (from Quickbooks) into Excel using Microsoft Query. I filter TxnDate using Between [Start Date] and [End Date] in parameter (Criteria Value). I tried to enter so many different formats in parameter value such as: 12-15-2012, 12/15/2012, 2012-15-01, etc but shows the same error "Conversion Error". I looked up on the table detail (QuickBooks), the format TxnDate is Date, Length 10, Validate: cccc-mm-dd.
I also tried to change the Criteria Value to be: >= [Start Date] and <= [End Date], still the same problem.
It works if I enter sample date such as #12-15-2012# in Criteria value. I really appreciate if there is anyone who can help me to solve this problem. Thanks so much!