
I am relatively new to using Excel in the industry, I have used it a lot at University but I have quickly learnt that it is very different when put in a real life situation.

I understand that my request for help might be a bit vague, however if anyone can still help me or point me in the right direction I would be very grateful.
In the near future I will be having to creat spreadsheets that will rely on data from other spreadsheets and various other things.

I was wondering if anyone might be able to give me a brief example/show me where I might find a step-by-step tutorial (as I have looked and cannot seem to find any) that can show me how to create the links between different excel spreadsheets.
I am also aware that other Microsoft Office programmes can be linked with Excel spreadsheets, for example Microsoft Outlook and Access.

If anyone could help me understand how to link Outlook with an Excel spreadsheet I would be even more thankful.
Again, sorry if this is quite vague but I haven't worked in this area yet so I am unable to provide any examples.

Thank you in advance for any help anyone can give ,
