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Auto-updating data across different sheets.

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    Auto-updating data across different sheets.

    KI've been compiling several different field trips (attached) for the place I work at, and I want to ultimately have it managed by a multitude of coworkers with different filters depending on participant budget (cost), necessity to stay close-to-home (location), what kind of activity we want to do (type), and an easy-to-navigate feature (A-Z).

    I'm probably the user with the most experience in Excel, and even then it's just a basic college course kind of knowledge. Needless-to-say, I want it to be easy for my coworkers to add their suggestions and have it reflected across the 4 sheets. So far, I've only been copy/pasting the master sheet and renaming the additional sheets based on the filter.

    I've looked through recent forum posts that seem to relate to my problem, but I can't be sure any of it is right for me. One common solution referred to using =Sheet1!A1 or something similar. Would that work for me, and if so, could I get an explanation? I'm assuming I select sheet 2/3/4, select whatever cell my data starts on, reference Sheet 1's related cells, and then pull the corner to spread the formula over the range?

    If I'm not quite getting it right, please correct me; I can only work on this project during certain work hours, with large breaks in between chances.

    Thank you!

    Edit: I've tried something like =indirect(sheet1!A2) and it seemed to work, but it didn't filter properly. Sheet2a2 was referencing sheet1a2 alphabetically, but the cost filter wasn't properly applied.
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    Last edited by desidejwx; 11-05-2013 at 12:32 PM. Reason: Clarity

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