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Multiple values in single cell

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  1. #1
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    Multiple values in single cell

    I am making a worksheet where the some cells may have multiple data values. Is there any way to have multiple values added to a single cell while retaining the ability to analyze the data after.

    As an example, a petstore owner wants to create a waitlist database of potential customers who are waiting for certain breeds of puppies to become available. Some customers are only willing to buy a single breed of dog, but others would be willing to buy any number of breeds if they were to come available. Is there any way to input one or more values into a single "breed" field?

    Thanks for any and all ideas!

  2. #2
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    The simple answer is NO

    You could possibly give the appearance of multiple values by using the various text functions eg.
    "Poodle"&", "&"Mut"&", "&"Heinz"
    will give:
    Poodle, Mut, Heinz

    You can then use the SEARCH() function to see if the required breed is in the text.
    =SEARCH("Mut","Poodle, Mut, Heinz")
    If SEARCH returns #VALUE! then the breed is not in the list.

    Thus =IF(ISVALUE(SEARCH("Mut","Poodle, Mut, Heinz")),"OK","No Good")

    I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for...

    Probably the simplest way is to allocate several cells to possible breeds,
    but end up leaving most of them blank.

  3. #3
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    Sorry I obviously mean ISNUMBER rather than ISVALUE!

  4. #4
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    Re: Multiple values in single cell

    This is what I did to get around not being able to put multiple values in a single cell..

    If you have 3 columns of data you want to be combined into one category examples Seasons is the category and you need to capture info on Winter, Spring and Summer you could make a header row. Use the 3 cells that would capture info for Winter spring and Summer and merge those 3 cells into one and Name is Seasons. Below that header you will have 3 separate columns.
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  5. #5
    Forum Expert Fotis1991's Avatar
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    Re: Multiple values in single cell


    Welcome to the forum.

    This is a 5 years old thread..


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