Hello everyone,

I have been using excel for a few years, but I am creating everything manually. My knowledge of automation in excel is very limited, so please forgive me if these are stupid questions.

Basically I need to create a roster for a set number of staff for two 6 month periods, winter and summer.

The top row has the month, next the day and below is the date. I need the roster to cover the full 6 months.

Column a has the names.

Before I have been typing in all of the dates, but can I create a spreadsheet that can create the table, with me entering the start date, and everything else fills in?

Every staff member works 5 days on, 3 days off all year. Can I use solver to show the best pattern to put the staff on to have the best average of staff available to work each day?

I use 1 for a work day and F for a day off.

Can excel automatically create the spreadsheet?

My laptop is sick at the moment, but it should be able to link my current spreadsheet so you can see what I am trying to do.

Many thanks, and sorry if this has been discussed to death already.