I rarely use (or ever have used Excel) but recently as a volunteer at a Children's Law Center have been tasked with entering large amounts of data from criminal background checks. I found a dum dum way to make new tables that remembered the finite information from the last (ex. Column B=Charges....DWLR, Assault on a Female, Felony Larceny etc.) without having to retype the several hundred different charges on each new profile just by duplicating and adding to the last and then deleting the original rows of cells. I am now trying to help other volunteers/law students be helpful and efficient but realize that my dum dum method does not allow me to make a template that I can send to them so that they may easier fill in two or three columns with a finite number of applicable Charges as well as dispositions (Guilty, Pled to lesser, Probation Revocation etc.) and made a drop down list but am getting complaints that they could be more helpful with a column already aware of certain phrases and outcomes and only type a few letters... I considered that tomorrow's bright legal minds could construct their own but I try to appreciate over worked students already stretched to the extreme. Maybe the dumbest question asked on this forum but any help greatly appreciated!...