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Paste a value into "Find What"

  1. #1

    Paste a value into "Find What"

    I have a work book with data in several worksheets and one main sheet that
    contains all the data. Column A contains an id number. I want to record a
    macro that deletes a row from one worksheet, finds the corresponding row and
    deletes it from the main sheet, then pastes it into a sheet that contains all
    the deletions. How can I copy the value in column A and paste it into the
    "Find What" box, or is there another way to do it? I'm using Excel 2002.

  2. #2

    RE: Paste a value into "Find What"

    You've probably got something like FindWhat = "value"; edit that part of the
    ..Find method statement to instead read FindWhat = Range("A1").value.
    You'll need to replace the A1 with the correct cell reference (it may wind
    up something like "A"&RowNum, where RowNum is a variable you've set to
    indicate the row whose value you're seeking).
    HTH. --Bruce

    "jbrit" wrote:

    > I have a work book with data in several worksheets and one main sheet that
    > contains all the data. Column A contains an id number. I want to record a
    > macro that deletes a row from one worksheet, finds the corresponding row and
    > deletes it from the main sheet, then pastes it into a sheet that contains all
    > the deletions. How can I copy the value in column A and paste it into the
    > "Find What" box, or is there another way to do it? I'm using Excel 2002.

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