Not just me then


On Tue, 25 Jul 2006 16:00:02 +0100, Sheila D =

<[email protected]> wrote:

> I've never seen the message you refer to - what version of Excel is th=

> Sheila
> "David M." wrote:
>> I frequently work with a lists of text data, some of which consists o=

f =

>> digits
>> or digits + alpha characters. These are always formatted as tect fiel=

>> When I sort them i get a dialog box asking if I would rather sort =

>> digits as
>> numbers or as text. Sorting as text provides the result I need, so I =


>> always
>> select that and it works fine
>> My question is, how can I skip having to answer this question over an=

d =

>> over
>> and over? Is there a configuration option thats says 'leave me alone =

- =

>> I know
>> what I am doing' ?
>> Thanks for any help.