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Postcode lookup with a twist.

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Postcode lookup with a twist.


    I am a bit of a noob so please bear with me.

    I have two sheets. One contains a list of postcodes in one column and the ward in which these fit into in another column.

    The other sheet contains peoples information, one column of which is the postcode. I would like to add to each row the ward they live in.

    Sheet 1
    Row A is the postcodes Row D is the Ward

    Sheet 2
    Row A is the postcode Row D is going to be the Ward.

    I hope this is enough info, I pretty sure I use the lookup command and can get the Ward if I tell it the specific postcode but Im not sure how to get it to first lookup the postcode, then lookup that postcode in another sheet and then retun the ward.

    Hope you can help.



  2. #2
    Forum Expert Paul's Avatar
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    You can use VLOOKUP, and just point the search array to Sheet1 (or whatever your other sheet with just PostCode/Ward is named).

    For example, if PostCode & Ward are in Sheet 1 (Columns A and D) and you want to pull the Ward into Sheet 2 column D:

    In Sheet2, cell D1 (or your starting row), use:


    "A1" references what you want to look up (the post code on Sheet2),
    "Sheet1!A1:D10" references where you want to search (change your sheet name and range as needed),
    "4" references the column from the search range (column D = the fourth row in my 'search range from above)
    "0" tells the VLOOKUP to only find exact matches.

    Hope that helps.

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