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Conflicting tables in the same row

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    Conflicting tables in the same row

    Good day everyone

    So I've hunted on google for this problem but to no avail, I'm not sure because it's so small/frivolous and no one asks for it or what.

    Anyway, I have a spreadsheet with multiple tables and for convenience I line up two tables in the same row for example

    The problem is, if I use the autofilter feature on ONE table, like here, it messes up the table adjacent to it. Messes up meaning, I want both the tables to be independant of each other. Not that if I filter results in table 1, the number of rows table 1 displays will be the same number of rows table 2 is allowed to represent. See how when I click at the drop down, it says that all are selected, but all results are not displayed. I want all the rows to be visible for table 2, but not table 1

    Is there a way to do this? I hope I made enough sense
    Last edited by DarXide; 05-16-2009 at 12:37 PM.

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