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Enter Value of cell within a date range

  1. #1
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    Enter Value of cell within a date range

    This maybe a little difficult to explain. I have a spreadsheet that contains data from sales being made in various locations (sheet 1). The date the sale was made is in column A, and the location is in column AZ. I may have from 0 to 12 sales at that location on the same date. I am building a report in another sheet (sheet 2) that counts the number of sales for each date and displays that number in a cell in row 3. Above row 3, I want a formula that will reference the location (AZ sheet 1) and display that into my cell above row 3 in sheet 2. Each column in row 1 sheet 2 will have new date. I am sure this is pretty easy but I can't find anything that works. I hope someone can help me please!

  2. #2
    Administrator FDibbins's Avatar
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    Re: Enter Value of cell within a date range

    I am a little unclear as to what you want, sorry

    I would suggest you upload a sample work book, (all sensitive data removed), showing what data you are working with, a few examples of what your expected outcome is, and how you arrived at that
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  3. #3
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    Re: Enter Value of cell within a date range


    could you upload a sample file in order to focus layout of your data?

    Probably you a COUNTIF or a SUMPRODUCT

    An example

    in Sheet2 in A1 a date to match to A4:A100 dates in sheet1 in order to count (not sum) sales.

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    edit: sorry FDibbins, I did not mean to overlap: I 'm a very slow writer

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  4. #4
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    Re: Enter Value of cell within a date range

    I attached a test sheet, on sheet 1 cell B3 you can see the formula I entered. It works in cell B3 but when I drag it across it doesn't work. I need it to work in the entire row. I hope this helps and thank you for your responses.

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  5. #5
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    Re: Enter Value of cell within a date range


    not sure, in B3 you could try

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  6. #6
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    Re: Enter Value of cell within a date range

    Thank you CANAPONE that did the trick!! It is so great to have others help out!

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