Hello, I have these functions working individually for the "Tank Only" and "Toolbar Only" options but run into an issue when Trying the "Tank & Toolbar" option. The line of code with the issue is "ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=FPath & "\" & FName2" I believe this is because I am trying to create two new documents from the first original. The code Imports a serial number into textbox2 from a closed workbook, renames the file by that name and then exports data from the open workbook to the closed workbook - It does this portion correctly. Where the issue begins is when it tries to save the next serial number in textbox3. it should do the same step as previous only using the data from textbox3. I'm sure my issue is that the original file (oldname) and the textbox2 file (activeworkbook) are trying to save three documents with two strings. I think I need a step where textbox2(thisworkbook) is saved as a string like new name and textbox3 becomes the new activeworkbook. Hope this wasn't too confusing the code is below. Thanks in advance!