I have created a user form on top of a spreadsheet. The user form is simply checkboxes that call macros to filter the spreadsheet. The checkboxes are all working as I need - check the box and the column is filtered for value yes, uncheck and column is filtered for no. My hurdle is creating some sort of reset functionality on the form if the user wants to start over. I'd like a reset button to not only clear the checkboxes on the form but also clear the filtering that the checkboxes executed on the form.

I recorded a macro to reset the spreadsheet - clear all filters so all values are showing on the spreadsheet. The macro Macro is called ResetForm and it works as I need if I filter teh spreadsheet (without the form) and then run the macro. I thought I was on the right track by assigning the following to the Reset button:

Private Sub ResetForm_Click()
Unload UserForm1
Call ResetForm
End Sub

Made sense to me - close the form, run the macro to reset the spreadsheet, and then pull the form up again.

Run I select the button I get a error: Compile error: Invalid use of property. The Private Sub ResetForm_Click() line is hilighted. I'm guessing my approach to simple?