Hi! I have six reports that need to be created either daily or weekly. Rather than manually opening each workbook separately to run the macros and create the reports, I'd like to create a single workbook (a master macros workbook) with six form buttons, one to open and run the macros for each separate report.

However, the problem I'm encountering is that instead of the macros running within the workbooks where they reside, they are trying to run within the master macros workbook. This is obviously not producing the desired results and the macros are crashing. Also, the macros within the workbooks are running immediately on opening, even without explicit code to tell them to do so. I have seen somewhere that this is a normal function when an .xlsm workbook is opened like this, however.

Can anyone help me understand how to prevent this from happening and for the macros to run within their own workbook? Here is the very minimal code I have so far for just one form button:

Sub OpenDailyAgentProductionMacroFile()
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Workbooks.Open Filename:="F:\GroupShares\MACRO for Daily Production by Region, Manager, & Agent.xlsm"
Windows("MACRO for AFES Daily Production by Region, Manager, & Agent.xlsm").Activate
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub
