
I've migrated from Windows XP/Office 2003 to Windows Vista/Office 2010.

Everything works fine exept of my old macros. They have beed programmed... probably at 1997? But they worked just fine, till now.

I read on the web that it is because of some incompatibilities since Office 2007. But can you please tell me WHAT EXACTLY needs to be updated in my code?

Attachment 321592

lblNew = "Name of the new list is : " & newname
                    list = newname
                    lblSelect.Top = 66
                    lblSelect.Visible = True
                    cboSelect.Top = 66
                    cboSelect.Visible = True
' fill file list
                    With Application.FileSearch
' change this to the requested file folder
                        .LookIn = "C:\Mouse"
                        .SearchSubFolders = False
                    '    .Filename = "Mouse*.xls"
                        .FileType = msoFileTypeExcelWorkbooks
                        cboSelect.ColumnWidths = 0
                        If .Execute > 0 Then
                            For ii = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count
                                poz = 0
                                i = 0
                                    If Mid(.FoundFiles(ii), Len(.FoundFiles(ii)) - i, 1) = "\" Then
                                        poz = Len(.FoundFiles(ii)) - i
                                    End If
                                    i = i + 1
                                Loop Until Not poz = 0 Or i = Len(.FoundFiles(ii))
                                file_name = Mid(.FoundFiles(ii), poz + 1)
                                cboSelect.AddItem .FoundFiles(ii)
                                cboSelect.list(ii - 1, 1) = nazev_soub
                            cboSelect.Visible = False
                            lblSelect.Font.Italic = False
                            lblSelect.Font.Bold = True
                            lblSelect.Font.Size = 9
                            lblSelect.BackColor = &HFF&
                            lblSelect.TextAlign = fmTextAlignCenter
                            lblSelect = "There is no file named Mouse*.xls in folder C:\Mouse"
                        End If
                    End With
                    storno = 2
                End If
            End If
        End If
What I need is to scan folder C:\Mouse and there find .xls file (Mouse.xls) which will apear in ComboBox (via attached screenshot).

Something wrong with .LookIn command?

Thank you
