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UserForm Assistace, Reposted from the General Forum

  1. #1
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    UserForm Assistace, Reposted from the General Forum


    Please find below my update for a Thread that I started in the General Sub-Forum, that Marvin helped a ton with. It can be found in the link provided under this paragraph. I decided to Re-Post it here because it is more directly on topic in this Sub-Forum. I look forward and appreciate any help that is provided, as it will (hopefully) save me a turd-load of time .


    Ok, so I did end up putting the code in a separate module in order to get the ComboBoxes to cascade, but in the process of configuring them, I gave up on this endeavor simply because I could not keep up with having my code spread out between the form module and module 1.

    When it comes down to it though, I finally got my cascading combo boxes to work!!! Thank you Marvin. I spent about three days going through the website's that you provided links to, and ended up finding the coding that worked for me spread out between about three websites. The ExcelVBAIsFun Youtube tutorials, the ozgrid excel forums, going through the VBA Forums on this site, and unfortunately I lost the website link to the site that I found the coding to remove the duplicates (which only seems to have worked for the Original Owner combobox).

    So I would like to provide the code that I used below, and provide an overview of what it is I would like the rest of the userform to do, and see if I can get some help finishing it up.

    Here is an image of my Userform:

    Attachment 322955

    To start with here is the UserForm Initialize command coding:
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    The first thing you might notice is that I populate all three of the comboboxes and even include the code which removes duplicates. For some reason if I change any of this coding, the Combo Boxes do not Cascade. For instance, if I leave out the CCombo initialize code, then the CCombo Box won't chnge when I choose the HCombo Heir name. Same with HCombo. Kind of strange, but as long as it works, I am not going to complain a bunch.

    Ok, so now I will provide the OOCombo and HCombo Change coding that restricts the options in the HCombo and CCombo boxes based upon the selection made in the OOCombo and HCombo drop downs, respectively. Below that I have provided the coding I used to remove duplicates from the drop downs.

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    So, as it is the only things currently functioning on the User Form are the three Cascading Combo Boxes and the Cancel button.

    That said, I would like to not spend the next three weeks trying to piece together coding to finish this form.

    So here is a rundown of what I want the form to do from this point on:

    1. Once the County Combo Box (the third and last Combo Box on the form) County has been selected, I would like to have that define the Row which will be updated with those changes made to "Property Description" and the "Assignment," "Affidavit," "Probate," Frames.

    2. I need the "Prop Desc" text field to fill in the "Prop Desc" Cell on the Row for the County selected in the County Combo Box.

    3. I don't want any changes to be made until either the "Update" or "Done" Buttons are pressed.

    4. I want the "Update" and "Done" Buttons to apply the changes made to the Spreadsheet, with the "Done" button then closing the form, and the "Update" button not closing the form.

    5. Once a Property Description, asgnmnt, affdvt, or prbt field is filled in, I want the form to retain this information so that if I select the "Original Owner," "Heir," and "County" that already has information filled in for these fields, it will populate in the Form.

    6. I need to set the Option Buttons for the Assnmnt, Affdvt, and Prbt frames to fill in their respective Cells, once the County Combo has been selected; The same needs to be done for the Volume and Page Text Fields. For the Option buttons however I have "Assnmnt" "Affdvt" and "Prbt" set to "Not Recorded" by Default, so the first time I run the Completed Form all of these Cells should be filled in with "N/R" (by default) or "Recorded" if I selected this Option.

    Mathew Love

  2. #2
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    Re: UserForm Assistace, Reposted from the General Forum

    Attach a new copy of your workbook with the latest code.

    Your latest code does not work with the previous attached workbook. You've must have made changes to the workbook and userform. An image of the userform is not of much use.
    Surround your VBA code with CODE tags e.g.;
    [CODE]your VBA code here[/CODE]
    The # button in the forum editor will apply CODE tags around your selected text.

  3. #3
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    Re: UserForm Assistace, Reposted from the General Forum

    Oh... Yeah I had to change a bunch of stuff up, but here is a new copy of my workbook/worksheet.

    I simplified a bunch of stuff. I'm not using Multiple Worksheets because I don't really need them for what I am doing here with this part of the project. It didn't really make any sense. Anyway, essentially it seemed to make more sense doing it this way because I didn't have to use a separate Module to store the code for my form to get it to work. The Duplicate Removal would be nice, but isn't necessary to have the form fill out the spreadsheet because once you've chosen the Heir there is only one set of County names and they don't duplicate; so as it is the only Combo Box that does is the Heirs, and I can live with that as long as I can get the correct Row selected from the selected County to add a Property Description, Assnmnt info, Affdvt info, etc.

    Here you go:

    Attached Images Attached Images

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