I currently have a macro that pulls data from a workbook and creates a new workbook with a sheet called "Appendix A." This sheet contains seven print areas. Below you can see the relevant code from my macro. The problem I am facing is that I would like the first print area ($G$8:$Q$40) to be Landscape for when I go to print, the second and third print areas ($C$42:$M$108,$O$42:$Y$108) to be Portrait, and the fourth through seventh print areas ($C$110:$M$157,$C$159:$M$206,$O$110:$Y157,$O$159:$Y$206) to be Landscape. Any ideas how and where I can type this fix?

Thank you!

PHP Code: 
             Call Top40
             Call Top40Trend
.StatusBar "Macro - Running"
.Copy before:=Workbooks(Temp1).Sheets(1)
.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValuesOperation:=xlNoneSkipBlanks _
.CutCopyMode False
.Insert shift:=xlDowncopyorigin:=FormatFromleftorabove
.PageSetup.PrintArea "$G$8:$Q$40,$C$42:$M$108,$O$42:$Y$108,$C$110:$M$157,$C$159:$M$206,$O$110:$Y157,$O$159:$Y$206"
ActiveSheet.Name "Appendix A NPA" sitenumber
.Locked False
.FormulaHidden False
.Locked True
.FormulaHidden False
.Protect DrawingObjects:=TrueContents:=TrueScenarios:=True
.EnableSelection xlUnlockedCells