I have a form (frmMain) with 20 Check boxes (probably more later), all with names that are prefixed with "ck". These names, without the ck, are also column headers in row 1 of a worksheet named "Data". For each header I want to test whether the corresponding Check box is checked (value = True) and take action accordingly. And I want to do it in a loop, in this case For ... Next. I devised the following code using a cell reference to construct the name of the checkbox, but it fails with a compile error: Method or data member not found.

Dim CB As CheckBox             'check boxes are on frmMain
Dim Cntr As Integer
For Cntr = 1 To 24                'loop thru column headers
   CB = "ck" & Cells(1, Cntr)  'row 1 is column headers
   If frmMain.CB.Value Then	 
	'do something
   End If
Is there a way to access a checkbox (or any other form control), the name of which is constructed using a reference to text in a worksheet cell? Or am I asking for the impossible? Thanks for any advice or words of wisdom.