I am new to VBA but studying and learning and trying to 'practice' as much as I can.

At work I have access to spreadsheets that I can copy and play with that have, in some cases, thousands of rows of data. One such spreadsheet I have been working with has Column A with a date and time in it:

6/10/2014 12:25:04 AM
The reason for this is that the spreadsheet is produced from the export of data from another program and it cannot be changed. What I have been trying to do is to take that column and use VBA code to split the date and time into their own column.

I have thus been unsuccessful. Ive been googling as well with some tidbits here and there but nothing that seems all that efficient nor very specific to my need.

There is duplicate data in all those rows, and some columns that I wont need once its all said and done. I have managed to write some code that gets rid of the duplicate data, extra columns, etc. I know, kids stuff to most, but I'm just trying to learn by doing at this point.

I cant upload the spreadsheet unfortunately as it has work related data on it, but if you have any questions I will do my best to answer them, but any help on being able to split out the data would be really helpful.

Thanks in advance.